The Gift of Giving
We are inviting 100 individuals to become “Friends of the Free Store” to support and sustain our organization with an annual gift of $100.
Why We Need Support
- The yearly operating budget of rent and utilities, our highest expenditure, extends beyond our current financial means.
- Our household cleaning and hygiene products are consistently in high demand and re-stocked monthly.
- The on-going fundraising efforts of our volunteers cannot meet our modest operating expenses.
The Call to Action
- To properly budget, we need yearly benefactors that we can count on.
- We are looking for 100 people to donate $100 annually or we welcome donations in smaller increments throughout the year.
- Your gift can be mailed to: The Free Store 2210 US Hwy 41 S, Ste. A , Marquette, MI 49855. Checks payable to: "The Free Store"
- Please include your e-mail address to receive Free Store updates and newsletters.
Friends of the Free Store
Thank you to the following donors who have responded to our call to action:
Carolyn Anderson
Gail & Bob Anthony
Cindy Baker
Georgie & Fred Baij
Leslie Bek
Jayme Bell
Linda Berry
Benjamin Bohnsack
Tom & Nancy Bronken-Hamlin
Blanche Brown
Larry & Nancy Buege
Pri Burnham
Jill & Doug Carter
Marie Chilman
Barb Contois
Fran & Dave Darling
Judy Donkers
Ray & Tony Elliot
Lynn Emerick
Anne Erspamer
Stephen & Stephanie Fenoglio
Ann & Bill Fisher
Martha Fitzgerald
Laurie & Steven Flynn
Marcia Franz
Margaret Gagnon
Gerald & Katherine Gerou
Annie & Gary Haglund
Anne Hanna
Connie Hedmark
Kristi Houle
Peggy Jensen
Allen & Sara Johnson
Ann & Barry Johnson
Mark & Kathryn Johnson
Mark & Maggie Johnson
Bill & Janet Joswiak
Margaret Kacer
Peter Kaufman
Kim & Laura Kelly
Darley Kempainen
Pauline & John Kiltinen
Paula Kiesling
Ron Krieg
Robert & Meredith Kulisheck
Marisa Lackey
Marcus & Lisa Lee
Fred & Carol Margrif
Norma & James Matteson
Joanna Mitchell
Paula & Jim Neville
Patti Nicholson
Barb & Gerald Ojibway
Cindy Olson
David & Jackie Otis
Kathy Painter
Jane Pajot
Elizabeth & Todd Pascoe
Doug & Karla Patterson
Sandy & Barry Perlman
Judith Quirk
John Rebers
Karen Richards
Niki & Charlie Richardson
Gloria Rinne
Ruth & Peggy Robb
Deb & Les Rolig
Susan & James Rutkowski
Karen & Rob Schmitt
Jeanne & Michael Sekely
Susan & Brian Sheridan
Mary & Don Snitgen
Milton & Bodi Soderberg
Joanne Solka
Kathy & Robert Sromalski
Lois Stanley
Mike & Karen Streit
Mary Sved
David & Frances Ternes
Mary Lou Tilleson
Dick Toyra
Patricia Vacilek
Dirk & Gayle VanOsdol
David & Susan Vore
Annette Watts
Charlie & Margie West
Joan Wilson

For just $15 you can help us provide a local family with hygiene and cleaning supplies for a whole month.
When you give to The New Free Store you give families in our community household essentials like shampoo, dental supplies, feminine products, deodorant, incontinence products, baby supplies, indoor and outdoor clothing, sheets, blankets, and more.
Pledge your time and gi​fts.
Share our mission far and wide.
Help us grow a community of giving.